212 Rusden Street, Armidale, NSW 2350
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Often people find the decision to euthanase a very difficult decision, as it should be. Sometimes it can be a very obvious decision especially when a decline is sudden or there is severe trauma with a poor chance of...

People often ask how often their pet needs vaccinating: it’s one of the most common questions I hear in consultation. There are varying opinions but most vets will ground their recommendations in science. Most vaccines are registered for yearly use....

It’s that time of the year again, the clocks have been set back and it seems to be getting colder and darker by the day. As we approach winter you may start to notice that your pets, especially the...

What is a pet behavioural service and what does it offer you? NEVS offers behavioural consultations with Emma, who has a particular interest in behaviour and is completing a year of further study this year with a view to sitting...

Pet Diabetes Diabetes Mellitus (DM) is a disease of glucose metabolism. It occurs most commonly in dogs, cats and guinea pigs. Glucose is required by every cell in the body for energy, and insulin is the hormone that allows the...

Here at NEVS we utilise and adhere to the low-stress handling guidelines outlined by the Low-Stress Handling University. This movement, pioneered by Marty Becker and the late Sophia Yin in America is gaining fast momentum all over the world. So...